
About Me
How an Accountant Helped Me

Some small business owners view accountants as an unnecessary expense. I know this because I used to be one of those small business owners. However, all of that changed when I realised that my business account didn't balance. I realised that I did not have the skills to do the numbers anymore so I called in an accountant and asked him to go over the books. He was a real pro and I decided that I needed him on my team. Since hiring the accountant, I have learnt just how important the work they do can be to a small business.


Do You Need Tax Advice Before You Get Married?

29 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

You may feel that planning for being married should be all about the romance, but you have practical stuff to think about too. For example, it's important to have a handle on your finances at this stage of life. This can raise a lot of questions. Does marriage affect your taxes? Will you sell one of your current homes and move into the other? If you've never been married before, you may not know the answers to these kinds of questions. Read More …

Financial Ratios and What They Mean for Newbie Managers

26 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

One of the responsibilities of top-level management is to make finance-related decisions that will drive the organisation to the next level. You need to understand investments, spending, cashflow, and risk management among other things. This can be difficult for someone who has not taken any finance classes or worked closely with the finance department. You need to get a few tricks up your sleeves by learning jargon such as accounting ratios. Read More …

How to Avoid the 3 Most Common Mistakes Which People Make in Connection to their Taxes

25 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

The tax season is usually one of the busiest times in the business year of Australian businesses. A good number of large businesses understand the importance of responsible accounting and, therefore, they hire professional accountants to do their taxes for them. However, small and middle sized business enterprises often overlook issues related to taxes and at times even end up making mistakes which could lead to audits from the government and even liabilities. Read More …

Your Budget Not Going As Far As It Used To? A Helpful Guide To Save A Few Bucks

24 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

While unemployment may be at historically low numbers in Australia, there is no doubt that the price of living has only gone up. There are also new expenses to worry about that perhaps did not exist 20 years ago and you might find that your budget is not stretching as far as it used to. Don't worry; this is only natural, and every budget needs to be updated once in a while. Read More …

Are You Sure That Your Family Affairs Are Optimised When It Comes to Taxation and Benefits?

18 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you've been quite successful in life, have a great job, a loving family and a palatial home, you may be quite content. Everything seems to be moving in the right direction and there are no storm clouds on the horizon, but this is not the time to be complacent. You should be thinking carefully about your family's future. You may realise that you need to prepare for a rainy day, and in the worst-case scenario, your passing. Read More …